MUMMorial Cup & Harvestfest 2019: Maritimers Unite for Medical Marijuana!

MUMMorial Cup & Harvestfest 2019: Maritimers Unite for Medical Marijuana!

Look for #PerfectClouds over Nova Scotia, and the entire Martimes for the MUMMorial Cup and MUMM Society’s 12th Annual HarvestFest!  Please get all the details HERE Vape Family! 

From July 19th until July 21st, all our favourite East Coasters will be in one spot,  Colchester County … and you can spot the #PerfectClouds …

Follow our friend J.Frost … AND Please tune in to Cannabis Corner … it is one of our favourite shows!

At MUMM Society’s 12th Annual HarvestFest and MUMMorial Cup please go to meet the finest people and connect with the cannabis community of the Maritimes.  

Atlantic Canada is known for fine food, fishing, ideal climate, cannabis concentrates … and all of these wonderful MUMM Supporters we are pleased to align with!

To Debbie and Marcel and the entire team, thank you for all your volunteer work, organization and creating an event we love! To volunteer please email

To learn more about MUMM and their upcoming event visit

Event link:

MUMM Society’s Facebook Group:

MUMM Society’s on Twitter:

J.Frost & Cannabis Corner:

Check out last years event and pics here:
