Shatterizer Family, we’re OPEN each and every day of the SUMMER and for all Holidaze! We expect, predict and forecast ONLY #PerfectClouds on the horizon... and ALL summer!

Whether it’s the evening or weekend, a statutory holiday or on your summer holiday (ENJOY), please email us anytime from anywhere at for the highest-level of Shatterizing Service!

Let's keep SOCIAL on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, from the beach, the park or even the cottage ... and make a BIG SPLASH ...
We’ve got your Shatterizing Summer Accessories ALL RIGHT HERE:

New to the Shatterizer Family? Please enjoy our COIL video!
Watch NOW to see how our Shatterizer works, differences between CTECH and QDC coils and how easy it is to clean...after #PerfectClouds…
And please enjoy your Shatterizing Summer!